Madeleine Boschert

Accounts Payable
Since 2023
At an early age, Madeleine discovered a natural attraction for all things numbers. This not only explains her life-long mastery of challenging math courses but also serves as a solid foundation for her more-than-satisfying career in accounting. But don’t let this left-brained superpower fool you. She’s an avid lover of music, books, and movies with an occasional flair for crafts. Despite such diverse interests, her true love is tending to her three boys and enjoying family time in the great outdoors at the lake. Always smiling and eager to help, Madeleine is a true go-to resource.
  • Charcoal or Gas Grill? Charcoal
  • Rock or Country? All music, all the time!
  • Over or Under? Over... check the patent!
  • Take a Cruise or Take a Hike? I'm Cruisin'
  • Ninjas or Pirates? Pirates...Arghhhhhh!