Brian Miller

Sales Engineer, PE
Since 2011

Sometimes, a jack-of-all-trades is a master of none. Such is not the case with Brian considering his diverse background and extensive HVAC experience. With degrees that include a BS in Engineering Mechanics and Materials as well as an MS in Mechanical Engineering, Brian became an expert in sound vibration analysis and measurement in addition to a thesis that examined the heat transfer rates of heated buried pipes as they impact the geothermal industry. So, it should come as no surprise to discover he has co-authored several papers and is co-owner of an industrial patent.  As an entrepreneur, he owned and operated his own commercial HVAC company for more than a decade before signing on with us. Fortunately, Brian’s life isn’t all work and no play. Committed to bettering the local community he also enjoys sharing his love for the outdoors with his wife.

  • Microbrew or Macrobrew? Microbrew
  • Charcoal or Gas Grill? Wood Pellet
  • Cards or Blues Cards
  • X or Facebook? Neither
  • Sushi or Bar-B-Que? Bar-B-Que