About Acutherm by Price Products

Since 1978, Acutherm has been dedicated to creating more comfortable and energy-efficient building environments. Their VAV diffuser systems are a simple, reliable, and economical solution for individual temperature control.

In 2017, Acutherm joined Price Industries to elevate how we bring our products to market. This new relationship allowed them to expand their access to technology and product development resources to create better solutions for customers.

  • VAV Diffusers (2×2, 1×1, Round, Linear, Slots)
  • Thermal Actuated (10-year Warranty) or Electric Actuated
  • Custom Colors and Dual Setpoint
  • IOT Building Management, Control Solutions, BACnet certified
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Can you install these on existing constant volume systems?

We have often installed Therma-Fusers™ to provide individual comfort and control for specific occupants. Since Therma-Fusers are designed for low-pressure systems, noise concerns can be alleviated by providing pressure relief by installing relief rings at the neck of the diffuser or by providing a “dump” zone. Correct placement of the thermostat should also be considered.

Have these ever been used with Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) systems?

We have often installed Therma-Fusers™ to provide individual controls for some spaces served by ducted fan coils on VRF systems. One of the zones will need to be the “dump zone,” and the correct placement of the thermostat should also be considered.